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There are amazing solo travel stories from people across borders & backgrounds... you just haven't heard them yet

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to tell their story on our podcast

Recent Episodes

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Sustainability and Solo travel to Galapagos, Thailand with Elaine from US

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Off the beaten track solo travel in jungles of Peru with Carolina

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Retiree solo travel in Atlanta, Louisiana & Baltimore with Merine from Singapore

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A solo dive into tribal lives of the Papuan people with
Gene from Australia


India solo female travel from the eyes of a local art curator with Sumaiya

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Fall in love with Romania when you hear stories of Louiela from Philippines

Socials, Collabs, Services, stuff...

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We're brewing some awesome services for the solo travel community in Winter of 2022... watch this space

About Us


Hey this is Aigul from ⛰️ Kygryzstan & Ady from 🏝️ Singapore.

We're not really sure how far The Solopacker Podcast will go. All we know is that there aren't enough solo travel stories out there from the diversity of faces, cultures & backgrounds we have met through our own solo travels. So we got crafty with some basic video editing, web design and digital marketing to bring those stories to you. We hope our "tribe" inspires you to head to your own solo travel adventure!
PS: this is a low production weekend project - so your support and feedback will go a loooooooooooooong way 🙌

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